Golden Collection
Meet our “Golden Collection” available in the prefect four colors with matching dresses. The collection is created for special occasions, think about your Niqaah or Eid .
Knitted Abaya
Meet our "Knitted Abaya Collection". This long-sleeved turtleneck dress.

هدفنا هو إلهام النساء في كل مكان للتعبير عن أنفسهن من خلال اختياراتهن للملابس

Our goal is to inspire women everywhere to express themselves through their clothing choices

لا تفقد الشمس جمالها عند تغطيتها بالغيوم. بنفس الطريقة التي لا يتلاشى بها جمالك عند تغطيتك بالحجاب

"The sun doesn't lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way your beauty doesn't fade when being covered by Hijab."

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